Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What i've been thinking about lately;
that it takes time...
to find ourselves...truly
and that once we do things "shift"

i suppose it's most important to notice how you're feeling
if you're someone who's used to giving alot it might take some time
to understand if in fact you're feeling "good" about this
and if you're getting enough "feel good" in return

that is, how do we know when what we're doing is in fact
really contributing to the betterment of our lives...
to a feeling that by continuing on this path it will give us a feeling
of being "filled-up", appreciated, contented
loved and in a position to in-turn help other people feel the same?

i've come to realize it's not always possible to be times of depletion
it's times to look to what you need to "fill your tank"
and if what you're doing does not do that...then how are you going to change that?
for instance if your ego has been bruised or worse crushed by some incident then
what can you do to improve that?

first, i'd suggest removing yourself from the situation and once you've had appropriate time to step back and assess determine the best course of action
to move forward in a more fulfilling way

determining the cause of our defeated feelings is not always easy however
there may be subtle forces at work that aren't so apparent
and don't allow anyone to convince you that they have all the answers or that you're somehow a failure for not "getting it right"...right off

we're all different, with different goals, aspirations, desires, needs and wants
to have a laissez faire attitude towards others is, in my opinion paramount to allowing each to follow his own road to bliss
(with the caveat and understanding that each is prescribing to a social order..the basic Golden Rule will do)

enough said for now,
just my thoughts...
i'm coming out of a bit of a muddle myself
so once kind to yourself and others as we struggle through
on our path to self-enlightenment
we cannot be a light for others until we have found the way ourselves

Most of our happiness depends on our disposition not on circumstances.
Martha Washington

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April 12, 2006
Universal MessagesSigns (from Daily Om)

The universe can often relay messages to us through signs. Often, we are too busy to stop and consider what may or may not be a sign. We may ask the universe for guidance, yet fail to recognize the sign it sends us in response. Learning the subtle language of signs can help you interpret the guidance the universe sends your way. We all have been blessed with a connection that allows the universe to communicate directly with us. To be able to understand the information relayed over that connection, however, it is necessary that we learn to pay attention and know what to look for. To see and correctly interpret a sign, you must open your heart and mind to the universe and invite its guidance into your life. Many of us are blind to the signs we receive because we expect angels or our spirit guides to speak to us in a booming voice and tell us exactly what we need to hear. But signs are usually of this earth and therefore easier to encounter. A song lodged in your mind or a number that seems to pop up everywhere you look after you've asked the universe for guidance can both be signs. Signs may come through the animal world, from strangers, or jump out of a book in the form of an insightful passage. A sign may be a direct answer to one of your questions. Other signs may point you in the right direction, warn of impending difficulties, or show you a different way. If you want the universe to send you a sign, tell it that you are ready and willing to accept its guidance. Not everything you hear or see will be a sign. If you are receptive and patient, however, the signs you receive will become easier to recognize. It is important to listen to your intuition. A sign can mean many things to different people, and only you can decipher a sign's meaning is for you. As you practice reading the signs and following their guidance, the universe will send more of them your way.